Gender math IAT - Ch07 - Ithaca and SDSU replications of Nosek et al. (2002)
To what extent do men and women differ in their attitudes towards mathematics? To investigate, Nosek et al. (2002) asked male and female students to complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT)-this is a task designed to measure a participant's implicit (non-conscious) feelings towards a topic. (If you've never heard of the IAT, try it out here: On this IAT, students were tested for negative feelings towards mathematics and art. Scores reflect the degree to which a student had more negative implicit attitudes about mathematics than art (positive score: more negative feelings about mathematics; 0: same level of negativity to both; negative score: more negative feelings about art). data_gender_math_iat has data from two labs that participated in a large-scale replication of the original study (Klein et al., 2014a, 2014b)