Estimates for a 2x2 mixed factorial design with a continuous outcome variable
Returns object
is suitable for a 2x2 mixed-factorial design
with a continuous outcome variable. It estimates each main effect, the
simple effects for the repeated-measures factor, and the interaction.
It can express these estimates as mean differences, median difference,
or standardized mean differences. This function accepts raw data only.
outcome_variable_name = "My outcome variable",
repeated_measures_name = "Time",
conf_level = 0.95,
save_raw_data = TRUE
- data
For raw data - a dataframe or tibble
- outcome_variable_level1
The column name of the outcome variable for level 1 of the repeated-measures factor
- outcome_variable_level2
The column name of the outcome variable for level 2 of the repeated-measures factor
- grouping_variable
The column name of the grouping variable; only 2 levels allowed; must be a factor
- outcome_variable_name
Optional friendly name for the outcome variable. Defaults to 'My outcome variable' or the outcome variable column name if a data frame is passed.
- repeated_measures_name
Optional friendly name for the repeated measures factor. Defaults to 'Time'
- conf_level
The confidence level for the confidence interval. Given in decimal form. Defaults to 0.95.
- save_raw_data
For raw data; defaults to TRUE; set to FALSE to save memory by not returning raw data in estimate object
Returns object of class esci_estimate
type -
outcome_variable_name -
grouping_variable_name -
effect -
effect_size -
LL -
UL -
SE -
df -
ta_LL -
ta_UL -
effect_type -
effects_complex -
t -
p -
outcome_variable_name -
grouping_variable_name -
effect -
effect_size -
LL -
UL -
numerator -
denominator -
SE -
df -
d_biased -
effect_type -
effects_complex -
outcome_variable_name -
grouping_variable_name -
grouping_variable_level -
mean -
mean_LL -
mean_UL -
median -
median_LL -
median_UL -
sd -
min -
max -
q1 -
q3 -
n -
missing -
df -
mean_SE -
median_SE -
grouping_variable -
outcome_variable -
grouping_variable_A -
grouping_variable_B -
paired -
Reach for this function in place of a 2x2 mixed-factorial ANOVA.
Once you generate an estimate with this function, you can visualize
it with plot_mdiff()
and you can visualize the interaction
specifically with plot_interaction()
. You can test hypotheses
with test_mdiff()
The estimated mean differences are from statpsych::ci.2x2.mean.mixed()
# From raw data (summary data mode not available for this function)
example_data <- data.frame(
pretest = c(
19, 18, 19, 20, 17, 16, 16, 10, 12, 9, 13, 15
posttest = c(
18, 19, 20, 17, 20, 16, 19, 16, 16, 14, 16, 18
condition = as.factor(
rep("Control", times = 6),
rep("Treated", times = 6)
estimates <- esci::estimate_mdiff_2x2_mixed(
data = example_data,
outcome_variable_level1 = pretest,
outcome_variable_level2 = posttest,
grouping_variable = condition,
repeated_measures_name = "Time"
# To visualize the estimated mean difference for the interaction
myplot <- esci::plot_mdiff(estimates$interaction, effect_size = "mean")
#> Warning: Using size for a discrete variable is not advised.
#> Warning: Using alpha for a discrete variable is not advised.
#> Warning: Using size for a discrete variable is not advised.
#> Warning: Using alpha for a discrete variable is not advised.
# Line-plot of the interaction with fan effect representing each simple-effect CI
plot_interaction_line_CI <- esci::plot_interaction(
show_CI = TRUE
# To conduct a hypothesis test
res_htest_from_raw <- esci::test_mdiff(
effect_size = "mean"